

correctDbProtections(Object employees)

Corrects database permissions for all empoyees


Name Type Description
employees Object object of all employees


Corrects permission for all Schedule spreadsheets and sheet 'Rozpis'

refreshSpreadSheet(Object day, Object week, Object data)

Creates all spreadsheets not existing in this week


Name Type Description
day Object monday of week to be set
week Object week to be refreshed
data Object object with data


automatic script which reloads calendar and creates missing Schedule Sheets


automatic script which refreshes rights for Sheets and Sites

correctSitesRights(Object employees)

Corrects database permissions for all empoyees


Name Type Description
employees Object object of all employees

refreshCalendar(Object day, Object till, Object week)

refreshes calendar events


Name Type Description
day Object monday of week to be set in calendar
till Object end of week to be set in calendar
week Object week number to be set in calendar


automatic script which creates missing Schedule Sheets


not automatic

createPresentableHTML(Object content, Object sourceType, Object title)

Creates presentable HTML for a browser *cannot be run from library, becaouse of filename


Name Type Description
content Object depends on a sourceType, if sourceType isn't string, it includes file with name == content
sourceType Object is string indicating values 'string'/'file' for source type, takes file as default for any other value
title Object title of a window

Return Values:

Type Description
Object html object

appplyProtections(Object protection, Object emails)

Refreshes protections. Deletes protections not existing in emails and sets all permissions in emails.


Name Type Description
protection Object protection object to be changed
emails Object emails of desired editors


Serves HTML of refresh button for super admin only, this script can run only as super admin

Return Values:

Type Description
Object HTML page with javascript


deletes old triggers of not active users

isFileInDB(Object files, Object obj)

Checks if obj is in DB. Uses cached files obj, because looking into the database all the time would be inefficient.


Name Type Description
files Object all files in db
obj Object Object to be checked for

Return Values:

Type Description
boolean true if is in DB