

editMainSheet(Object e)

Function which processes behaviour when spreadsheet is edited


Name Type Description
e Object event send from spreadsheet


Checks if sheet has duplicates in times for one assistant

resolveTriggers(Object id)

Resolves triggers of a spreadsheet and generates assistants sheets from data in 'Rozpis' sheet


Name Type Description
id Object id of spreadsheet

checkDayDuplicities(Object sheet, Object row, Object column, Object numberOfRows, Object width)

Checks if day in sheet has duplicates in times for one assistant


Name Type Description
sheet Object sheet to check
row Object row where to check
column Object column where to check
numberOfRows Object numberOfRows to check
width Object width of one day(for now should be 6 only)

setProp(Object prop, Object value)

Wrapper function.


Name Type Description
prop Object
value Object

getLinks(Object files, Object group, Object owner)

Gets links for group in format for scriptlets to assemble the page sets array to user properties


Name Type Description
files Object all files this function searches in
group Object group we want to have links of
owner Object it takes all files without owner, if this parameter set, takes files with this owner too


Reloads data for spreadsheet to use, to user properties.

temporaryTestingLog(Object email, Object message)


Name Type Description
email Object
message Object

createPresentableHTML(Object content, Object sourceType, Object title)

Creates presentable HTML for a browser *cannot be run from library, becaouse of filename


Name Type Description
content Object depends on a sourceType, if sourceType isn't string, it includes file with name == content
sourceType Object is string indicating values 'string'/'file' for source type, takes file as default for any other value
title Object title of a window

Return Values:

Type Description
Object html object

resolveOnTrigger(Object ss, Object type, Object functionName)

If spreadsheet doesn't have any triggers assigned, this function assigns trigger to active user. If trigger capacity reaches maximum, it tries to delete oldest trigger this function assigned.


Name Type Description
ss Object spreadsheet for setting triggers
type Object
functionName Object

include(Object filename)

Includes HMTL from a file. *just shortcut a for a long command


Name Type Description
filename Object name of file to be included

Return Values:

Type Description
string string of html


Tries to delete lowest trigger of active user

Return Values:

Type Description
number number of deleted triggers

isSelectedMainEvent(Object value)

Checks if is main event


Name Type Description
value Object value of selected field

Return Values:

Type Description
boolean true if selected event is not a client

constructUrlParameters(Object obj)

Maps obj properties to string as url parameters.


Name Type Description
obj Object object to convert

Return Values:

Type Description
string parameter part of html

getProp(Object prop)

Wrapper function.


Name Type Description
prop Object


Checks if props are set corectly

makeRules(Object arrays)

Makes rules for data validation


Name Type Description
arrays Object array of arrays, fields of each array are values used for each rule (i.e. only these values are valid)

Return Values:

Type Description
Array<Object> arrays of rules in the same order as input

setRuntimeProperties(Object params)

Sets runtime properties


Name Type Description
params Object object with properties to set

getActors(Object group)

gets employees associated with this group


Name Type Description
group Object group

Return Values:

Type Description
Array<Object> actors of this group

setScriptProp(Object prop, Object value)

Wrapper function.


Name Type Description
prop Object
value Object

setDuplicateCheck(Object bool)

Sets to user prop whether to check duplicates in sheet


Name Type Description
bool Object if true checks duplicates

rfc3986EncodeURIComponent(Object str)

Encodes URI component.


Name Type Description
str Object string to encode

Return Values:

Type Description
string rfc3986 URI component

employeeChanged(Object sheet, Object row, Object col)

Resolves colours and default tariff if employee selected


Name Type Description
sheet Object sheet of event
row Object row of event
col Object col of event

updateSpreadSheet(Object spreadSheet, Object checkIntegrity)

Reloads and prepares spreadsheet for a user.


Name Type Description
spreadSheet Object object of a spreadSheet to update
checkIntegrity Object if true checks color and data integrity

includeAndEvaluate(Object filename)

Evaluates GAS scriptlets and includes HMTL from a file. *just shortcut a for a long command


Name Type Description
filename Object name of file to be included

Return Values:

Type Description
string string of result html

mainEventChanged(Object e, Object sheet, Object row, Object col)

Manipulates row if selected value is event or client


Name Type Description
e Object event send from spreadsheet
sheet Object sheet of event
row Object row of event
col Object col of event

getParsedScriptProp(Object prop)

Wrapper function.


Name Type Description
prop Object

dateChanged(Object sheet, Object row, Object col)

Validates values of changed date


Name Type Description
sheet Object sheet of event
row Object row of event
col Object col of event

doGet(Object e)

Serves HTML


Name Type Description
e Object url parameters setting this webapp's beahviour

Return Values:

Type Description
Object HTML page with javascript

getScriptData(Object fieldName)

Wrapper function for getting data associated it with this spreadsheet


Name Type Description
fieldName Object

setIntegrityCheck(Object bool)

Sets to user prop whether to check integrity of sheet


Name Type Description
bool Object if true checks integrity

saveScriptData(Object fieldName, Object obj)

Wrapper function for saving data associated it with this spreadsheet


Name Type Description
fieldName Object
obj Object


Reloads data for spreadsheet, generates sheets for assistants and creates menu for admins/leaders

refreshAssistantsSheets(Object spreadSheet, Object actors, Object eventsNames)

Sorts data from sheet rozpis and creates sheets for all group actors and assigns appropriate data


Name Type Description
spreadSheet Object spreadsheet for refreshing
actors Object array of actors
eventsNames Object array with names of events

updateDayRange(Object sheet, Object row, Object column, Object numberOfRows, Object rules, Object width, Object turnOffColors)

Updates one day in a spreadsheet


Name Type Description
sheet Object sheet to update
row Object row where to start updating
column Object column where to start updating
numberOfRows Object numberOfRows to update
rules Object rules to set for associated drop down lists
width Object width of one day(for now should be 6 only)
turnOffColors Object if true doesn't update colors

resolveMisplacedTriggers(Object email, Object type, Object functionName)

Deletes misplaced triggers of this user. For example if we delete row of a trigger in db, this function deletes it for user.


Name Type Description
email Object email of user who owns the triggers
type Object type of trigger to resolve
functionName Object name of trigger's funtion to resolve